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Technology Navigation Maritime Hadley's Sextant Quadrant Azimuth Compass set 3 antique prints c.1822


Product Description

Technology Navigation Maritime Hadley's Sextant, Hadley's Quadrant and Azimuth Compass, Plane Scale James Stephenson 

Antique copper-plate engravings by James Stephenson (1802-1886) after designs by John William Norie (1772-1843). Hand colouring.

Published London c.1822

Condition= Sextant and Quadrant hand coloured Copper-plate engravings. The Plane Scale is yellowed with age and has the name "P.Robertson 1827" in pen /ink on the rear. All three copper-plate engraving from same folio.

John Hadley (1682 – 1744) was an English mathematician, and laid claim to the invention of the octant used in astronomy and navigation, circa 1730.Hadley's Sextant, and astronomical tool used in measuring angular distances especially altitudes of the sun,moon and stars to determine latitude and longitude. Hadley's Quadrant, instrument containing a graduated arc of 90 degrees used in astronomy, navigation and measuring altitude.

Azimuth Compass, is a nautical instrument used to measure the magnetic azimuth, the angle of the arc on the horizon between the direction of the sun or some other celestial object and the magnetic north.

John William Norie (1772 – 1843), was a mathematician, hydrographer , chart maker and publisher of nautical books most famous for his Epitome of Practical Navigation (1805) which became a standard work on navigation and went through many editions as did many of Norie's works. Norie began his career working with William Heather, who had in 1765 taken over chart publishers Mount and Page and who ran the Naval Academy and Naval Warehouse in from 1795; the Naval Warehouse provided navigational instruments, charts, and books on navigation. Norie took over the Naval Warehouse after Heather's retirement and founded the company J.W. Norie and Company in 1813.

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