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  • South Australia's link to the Napoleonic period, maps form Nicolas Baudin's voyage, printed 1811-12 show French  names on previously designated "Unknown Coastline". http://wwwhistoryrevisited/com/au
  • The larger Gulf we know as "Spencer Gulf", seen here as "Golfe Bonaparte", in honor of the most powerful man in France at that time. http://www.historyrevisited.com.au
  • Currently known as "Gulf of St. Vincent" is given the name of the French Empress Josephine. The smaller peninsula is names after Comte de Fleurieu, after the one who designated Voyage itineraries.
  • Named ultimately by Matthew Flinders after his home, Port Lincoln,with the bays, cape and island after a tragedy, ironically the name of Decaen is used, the governor that prevented Flinders return until 1810.
  • Gulfs of St. Vincent and Spencer Gulf, South Australia, 1803South Australia's tenuous link to the Napoleonic period is the discovery of our coastline by the French,previously recorded as THE UNKNOWN COASTLINE. French were first to publish in 1811-12, but not to discover. Forty-nine French names that survive today.

Map Giclee Gulf Spencer Saint Vincent Baudin Freycinet 1803


Product Description

Map, Giclee, Chart, Gulfs of St. Vincent and Spencer, South Australia, 1803, Nicolas Baudin Louis de Freycinet, Bonaparte, Josephine

"Carte generale des Golfes Bonaparte et Josephine (a la Terre Napoleon, Nouvelle Hollande)/ par M.M.L. Freycinet et Boullanger 1803"

Archival Limited Edition Giclee Print after an original chart printed in 1811-12, original was hand tinted.

Printed on archival quality conservation cotton paper limited edition to 350 Giclee prints.

Issued with South Australian key to source of surviving French names.

Size same as original chart = 19 x 22cm (7 1/2 x 8 3/4 inch)

Nicolas Baudin Scientific Voyage of Discovery (1800-1804)

This detailed French chart of the gulfs, first appeared in the Nicolas Baudin's French Voyage of Discovery from 1800-1804. The French atlas published in Paris, 1811-12. The gulfs appear on the larger map of "Carte General De la Terre Napoleon..." (South-East Coast of Australia), but are detailed here to focus attention on the illustrious names of the Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte and Empress Josephine of France, during that period. Fleurieu Peninsula was also significant as Charles Pierre Claret de Fleurieu (1738-1810), an explorer, hydrographer & member of the Bureau des Longitudes, the body that designated exploration itineraries. He was great favourite of Napoleon's, who, on his death, gave him a state funeral.

Matthew Flinders' maps returned to England in 1810 after he was detained on French Mauritius by its French Governor General Charles Mathieu Isidore Decaen,  for 6 years. After the publication of the English Voyage's Account and Atlas  belatedly in 1814, the cartography predated Baudin's efforts. The French eventually republished these maps, but not until 1825 and there was no political need for this chart as Napoleon Bonaparte and Josephine were vanquished. Matthew Flinders chose Spencer and St. Vincent after Lords of the British Admiralty. 


Product Videos

Encounter Celebrations Committee promotional video (03:42)
Select 1080P for best quality picture. This brief video tells the story of a remarkable meeting of two rival maritime explorers ( Captain Mathew Flinders and Nicolas Baudin ) in waters off the coast of South Australia on April 8, 1802. Their exchange of charts filled in the final piece of the continental puzzle of the southern coastline of New Holland, which resulted in the map of Australia as we know it today. This video details the efforts of the Encounter Celebrations Committee based in Victor Harbor, South Australia, to erect a sculptor in honor of this significant event in Australia's maritime history. Please enjoy and consider donating to this worthy cause.
  • Encounter Cele...
    Select 1080P for best quality picture. This brief video tells ...
  • The Navigators...

Other Details

History Revisited Giclee Maps:
South Australia
Nicolas Baudin:
Louis De Freycinet
Gulf of St. Vincent:
Spencer Gulf
Gulf Bonaparte:
Gulf Josephine

Product Reviews

Write Review

  1. The 'What if the French colonised first" map 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 1st Dec 2022

    Thanks to Sandra for providing lots of additional historical information on the map and the period in which it was created. This extra text is attached to the framed map for future refefence.

  2. Amazing History! 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 3rd Jan 2013

    I am saving up for the tallship that sailed these waters! in meantime I will savour this bit of pre-European occupation!I am savingup for the tallship that sailed these waters! in meantime I will savour this bit of pre-European occupation!

  3. Some Revolutionary French associations... 4 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Dec 2011

    Who would have thought so many French names on the South Australian coast!

  4. A Romantic Thought! 4 Star Review

    Posted by on 30th Dec 2011

    With the two Gulfs eventually being named after some Crusty Lords of the Admiralty (one being Lady Di's ancestor, Spencer) this is a brief relief from what ensued. Josephine was integral to preserving the emus, wallabies and flora that survived from the Baudin Voyage so deserved a gulf at least!




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