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  •  Giclee of the French circa 1777 chart showing the Southern Hemisphere tracks of European Explorers- first two voyages of English Captain James Cook, from a polar perspective. Fascinating study of the multiple entry of tall-ships into the hostile Antarctic waters.
  • New Holland/Nouvelle Hollande, the future Australia, showing the result of James Cook discovery of the East Coast, but with Tasmania attached. A partial New Guinea,  the Dutch East Indies Islands to the North West.
  • New Zealand Islands were a magnet for explorers heading East into the Pacific, & a safe haven for Cook after emerging from the Antarctic waters, evidenced by the conflagration of voyage-indicators. www.historyrevisited.com.au
  • Pacific Ocean- New Hebrides, later Vanuatu, were first visited by the Spanish Explorer, de Quirós  in 1606, later by Cook and the French maritime explorers as seen here. New Caledonia was discovered by Cook in 1774. www.historyrevisited.com.au
  • Cape Horn, the southern tip of South America, was another well-visited port of call for maritime explorers.
  • Cape of Good Hope, South tip of Africa, an often treacherous experience experienced by many. www.historyrevisited.com.au
  • Atlantic Ocean - the British Island of St Helena was visited by Cook on the final leg of his second voyage in 1775. It was apparently first visited by the Portuguese in 1503. Napoleon was imprisoned here in 1815, to die in 1821. The Ascension Island was important for food and water.
  • Galapagos Islands, in the Pacific Ocean, off the West Coast of South America, seems to have avoided the attention of the maritime explorers. Only 60 years later it was visited by Charles Darwin in 1835, to discover the proof for his "Origin of Species" published in 1860.
  • Indian Ocean- Madagascar is the second largest Island country in the world off the East coast of Africa. During this time it was it was popular with pirates and European Traders, especially in the lucrative slave trade.
  • Pacific Ocean- Tahiti, first discovered by Capt Wallis, although the first man from the voyage to set foot on the Island was Tobias Furneaux, who later joined Cook's second voyage as a  Captain in his own right. The Society Islands were named by Cook in 1769 (First Voyage), later French Polynesia.

Giclee Maritime Explorers South Hemisphere Polar French


Product Description

Giclee, Map, Southern Hemisphere chart of Maritime explorers, Mendana to James Cook, Polar World view, Paris, 1550 to 1777

"Carte de l’Hemisphere Austral Montrant les Routes de Navigateurs les Celebres par le Captaine Jacques Cook"

Size of image = 53cm x 54cm (211/6 x 211/2)

Conservation Edition Limited to 350 each image. Issued with numbered certificate

Description: The original French antique map is hand coloured, unusually featuring the Southern Hemisphere, and focusing on the recent  second voyage of Capt James’s Cook, including the comparative documented tracks of other Maritime explorers back the 1500s through to subsequent voyages. It is drawn in a semi-circular polar-projection. The discoveries and destinations of Cooks voyages are listed outside the hemisphere circle. Within its confines we see detailed routes of the tracks of French, English, Portuguese, Spanish and Dutch Voyages of Explorations including Mendana, Tasman, Cataret, Byron, Bourgainville, Furneaux and others. To give visual orientation to the viewer, we see the continents of  South America, Africa, New Holland (Australia with Tasmania attached), the Pacific & Islands, the Southern Atlantic & Islands, but no Antarctica, yet. The original map was engraved for the French Publication “Abrege de ll’Histoire General des Voyages. Most notable are the tracks of Captain James Cook’s two of voyages (1768-1772,1772-75). We see the repeated entries into the Antarctic Circle by Cook over a three year period on his second voyage circumnavigating the globe following 60 degrees latitude. This is the first map of this kind to catalogue the history of maritime explorers tracks compared to the achievements of  Captain Cook. The antique map was published by George Forster in London in 1777. Forster’s map was actually published some weeks before Cook’s own official version appeared for the perusal of the public. By virtue of this map being  not attributed it is undoubtedly a French copy of Foster’s map. 

Others Explorers Tracks shown are;

Alvaro Mendana  (Spanish) ~ Pedro Fernandez de Quiros (Portuguese) ~ Edmund Halley (English) ~ Abel Jansoon Tasman (Dutch) ~ Commodore John Byron (English) ~ Louis-Antoine comte de Bougainville (French) ~ Samuel Wallis & Philip Cateret (English) ~ Jean Francois Marie de Surville (French)


Other Details

Maritime Explorers:
Captain James Cook
World Map:
South Pole
Chart of Discoveries:

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