Technology System of Mechanics, or the Geometry Alexander Hogg c.1788
"Cycloid, Double Cylinder, Elasticity, Axis in Peritrochio"
*Definition taken from The Universal Etymological English Dictionary, (1736)-Axis in Peritrochio ...a Machine for the raising of Weights, consisting of a Cylindrical Beam which in [sic] the Axis, lying Horizontally, and supported at each End by a Piece of Timber, and somewhere about it, it hath a kind of Tympanum or Wheel which is called the Peritrochium, in the Circumference of which are made Holes to put in Staves (like those of a Windless or Capstan, in Order to turn the Axis round the more easily, to raise the Weight by a Rope that winds round the Axis.
Antique Copper engraving engraved by Eastgate, printed on hand made hemp and flax laid paper.
Published "According to an Act of Parliament" by Alexander Hogg, at the Kings Arms No 16 Paternoster Row, London circa 1788
Condition= Excellent.
Plate mark = 23.5 x 38 (9.4 x 15.2 inch)